God is Wild About Us

Our service this week was built around our Vacation Bible School that we call “Camp@Coast.” Its theme was “Wild about God.” And it sure looked like the kids and all the adult helpers had a blast. They were learning that we can and should be wild about God because He is indeed wild about them!

We can be enthusiastically animated about God because we are confident that He is passionate about us!

There is a Russian-born American psychologist, named Urie Bronfenbrenner who is well known for his theories about how to rear children. He has written books and has many rather famous quotes.

My favorite is: “Each child needs at least one adult who is irrationally crazy about him or her.”
This bit of wisdom has provided thoughtful responses in schools, day care centers, parenting classes and the like. In my opinion, adults need to embrace this idea. Each child does deserve to be passionately cared for by a loving adult. I used to tell my goddaughter that my voice would always be the loudest voice in the stadium cheering her on!

But this week our kids got to see more than just thoughtful adults caring for them. They got to experience how the God of the universe is wild about them!

Take just a moment to think about how amazing it is that the Creator of the world is doing just that for you and me. God is indeed wild about us. We are His thoughtful creation, uniquely formed as an expression of His creativity and love. He is wild enough about us to offer His personal, real, and gracious help regardless of the mess we find ourselves in.

He proves that He is wild about us every time He chooses to reveal His will to us. We find those nudges in His Word, while we pray, through His leading, and sometimes it’s just a whisper that sends us off in the right direction. God sent His Son to provide for our salvation and to give each of us real purpose in life.

We can and should get wild about God because it is so obvious that He is wild about us!
Sherry Worel
Sherry Worel is a Bible teacher at heart and lives a life of ministry. She’s been involved at Coast Hills teaching Women’s LIFE, Bible studies, online courses, devotionals, participating in Upstream conversations, and much more. Having a love for education, Sherry has over 50 years of teaching experience with schools, churches, and mission agencies. As well as earning her Master’s at Talbot Seminary, she rounded out her education with 35 years as Head of School at Stoneybrooke Christian School. Sherry is happiest with a book or fishing pole in hand.
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