Made the Cut

In high school, I loved playing sports. If it involved a ball, I was all in. I loved the challenge of every game, learning the skills and plays, hanging out with my teammates, and of course, all the snacks.

The part I did not like was the posting of the roster. About a week before every season was slated to begin, the coach would post a single, white sheet of paper on the athletic bulletin board. It simply said, “1965 Girls’ Basketball Team” and it had two columns of names underneath.

We all knew when it would get posted and would make a bee line for the bulletin board. We would crowd around hoping and praying that we would see our name there. If it was, yeah, we would enjoy the euphoria of making the squad. And if it wasn’t listed, we couldn’t get away too soon. It was time to go hide out for a while.

Maybe you didn’t experience that humiliation over high school sports, but I am sure it has happened at work. Perhaps a team is being put together to study an important aspect of your job. The boss has made it clear that an “A Team” is going to be selected to work on the project. And then an email comes. The boss thanks you for your interest but affirms that they won’t be needing you on that team this year.

Not being selected for any “team” is humiliating. We all want to belong, make the roster, be an important part of a group. And if we are not selected, our self-esteem takes a hit, and we all want to hide.

With that background in mind, just think about the four women included in Joseph’s genealogy listed in Matthew 1:1-17. Three of the four women were losers. Their names belong on the “also ran” list. They were sinners, definitely not on God’s A Team.

But there they are, included in the written genealogy of the baby Jesus. Through the Davidic line down through Joseph, those broken, hopeless, marred, and ruined ladies are recorded for all to see.

God was making a big point. Let’s not miss it. He chooses the teams. He gathers the “nobodies” and makes each of them a “somebody.” Our hope is not in our performance, but in the fact that He loves us enough to include us on His roster.

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God…For we are His workmanship...” (Ephesians 2:8-10)

So, this week, we can all quit straining to see if our name is listed on God’s team. By faith in Jesus, we are included. By His mercy, He chooses us. Because of His grace, Tamar, Rahab, Ruth and Bathsheba “made the cut.”  Because of His grace, sinners like you and I do too!
Sherry Worel is a Bible teacher at heart and lives a life of ministry. She’s been involved at Coast Hills teaching Women’s LIFE, Bible studies, online courses, devotionals, participating in Upstream conversations, and much more. Having a love for education, Sherry has over 50 years of teaching experience with schools, churches, and mission agencies. As well as earning her Master’s at Talbot Seminary, she rounded out her education with 35 years as Head of School at Stoneybrooke Christian School. Sherry is happiest with a book or fishing pole in hand.